Happy Customers


We would like to thank everyone who has made one of mopsy’s bunnies a member of there family, we hope they bring you as much joy and happiness as our bunnies have for us. We receive a lot of emails from our customers….Here are just a few for you to view.

Just thought I would let you know that he seems to be settling in well. He is very friendly, loves a cuddle and adventurous – even making friends with our dog
Thank you again for selling him to us,


Thank you!
He is doing perfectly fine very playful eating well and loves his new home and new female friends.
Thank you again.



I just wanted to say thank you for the rabbit we received yesterday. She is very friendly and has settled in well. And thank you for the great service.



Good morning
I bought a beautiful Siamese sable buck from you who was born in march, he has been the best little bunny I could have bought for my son thank you!!
Kind Regards



Our choc orange mini lop girl has settled in well. She loves a pat and she has too much energy. We all love her and her personality. Thank you.



Jo’s baby Milo.. Milo’s family told me that he has such a good temperament, he went camping with them last weekend how adventurous is that, good on you Milo.

milo 3

Above, Milo enjoying some lovely fresh apple.

milo 1

 Above, Milo having some out side time.
milo 2
Above, Milo all snuggled up in a hoody.


  1. Sarah replied:

    I just bought my little choc boy mini lop a few days ago and I love him to bits!! He’s settled in nicely and galloping around the house.


  2. Sherah replied:


    Our choc orange mini lop girl has settled in well. She loves a pat and she has too much energy. We all love her and her personality. Thank you.


  3. Marietta replied:


    Thank you for my mini lop trio. We love them to bits and enjoy their different personalities, and of course the cuddles.

    Regards Marietta

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